The Therapy Network
"No illness which can be treated by diet should be treated by any other means." - Maimonides, 12th century AD
But what diet? Even an everyday diet that suits one person may be completely unsuitable for you. You may be someone who needs different nutrients in more than average amounts, either on a regular basis or during specific times of your life. Each of us is unique.
We are constantly being bombarded with conflicting nutritional information. Long term dieting or eating badly can cause health problems that may include obesity. Poor health may seem apparently unrelated to our eating patterns, but both poor nutrition and dieting can affect all the organs and structures of the body, as well as our mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Nutritional therapy can improve health and vitality. A nourished body is more likely to exercise and find a natural weight. Stress, exhaustion, depression and lower self-esteem are the result of forcing exercise and restrictive diets on an already stressed body.
"You are what you eat" is more accurately "You are what you absorb." Eating a healthy diet will be less effective if for example you lack sufficient stomach acid, or digestive enzymes or eat when you are stressed. However, do not make assumptions about any digestion problems. It is important to discuss ANY health concerns with your doctor before considering nutritional therapy.
Nutritional therapy should address problems holistically, taking into account age, lifestyle, stress levels, current state of health, digestive capabilities, and any current medication. Support can be offered in the making of your own individual health plan, which may include supplements, other therapies, or self-help strategies such as relaxation/stress relief techniques.
Any diet used for therapeutic purposes (such as a cleansing diet) will be clearly explained, may be of limited duration and will be frequently reassessed. Your body's needs are constantly changing in health, so particular attention is required during llness.
Conditions Treated
Subject to GP diagnosis and supervision. Please also see our disclaimer.
- Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Allergies
- Digestion problems
- Chemical sensitivity
- Eczema
- Dermatitis
- Chronic fatigue
- Adrenal fatigue
- Insulin resistance
- Psoriasis
- Migraine
- Menopausal symptoms
- Obesity
- Pre menstrual tension
- Rosacea