The Therapy Network
Useful links to services and contacts of The Therapy Network.
Practice Management Consultants
A company established with the vision to assist health professionals with practical starting points so they can better understand how to manage their practice and create a successful business. This in turn allows the best opportunity for client success.
Equine Assisted Learning
More information on how this unusual therapy has developed.
School of Natural Health Sciences
The School of Natural Health Sciences (SNHS Ltd) offers accredited distance learning diploma courses (To Practitioner level) in the major Holistic Therapies. (Over '40' courses to choose from) Practitioner Public Liability Insurance is available for all our graduates.
Somerton Computing
The company who have provided The Therapy Network with the branding design for both the website and the therapy room/shop in the Brunel Shopping Centre in Somerton, and ongoing internet support and development.